Gandhi quotes
gandhi quotes
Mahatma Gandhi I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.
What made Gandhi unique? Why is he one of the most famous figures in recent international history? Read these Gandhi quotes to reflect on Gandhian philosophy and ideology. He was a
This site brings you the best Gandhi quotes. These quotations will make you reflect on the basis of all your actions. Gandhi was a man known most for his philosophy and practice of
Mohandas Gandhi Quotes Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi, one of the most influential figures in modern social and political activism,
This is the only page that will give you best ghandi quotes for your knowledge needs. Visit this page now to see best Ghandi Quotes.
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Browse through Gandhi's quotes on character, democracy, justice, patriotism and untouchability.
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195 quotes and quotations by Mohandas Gandhi Mohandas Gandhi Quotes: Type: Leader Quotes Category: Indian Leader Quotes Date of Birth:
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