Republican earmarks
republican earmarks
The Danville Register and Bee--the paper that originally broke the story about Rep. Virgil Goode's connections with the "gay coming of age" movie, Eden's Curve, and Goode's
Members of Congress need to cease the current practice of earmarks because it's a distraction from what they should be doing - focusing on overseeing the federal bureaucracy.
In todayâs edition of Roll Call, there is a rather telling article regarding earmarks in the Economic Stimulus Package. The article, titled âArtfully Redefining Earmarks
Boehner: House Republicans Will Move to Shut Off Earmarks in Democrat Spending Bill
3.500 Republican Earmarks in latest Bill. No wonder they said Y-E-S..: Don't you love it when the GOP tries to make an issue out of earmarks, and get caught having placed 3,500
Get Your Money To Pay Off Late Bills, College,Never Pay It Back
Stimulus Earmarks - House Republican leaders put out a list of wasteful earmarks attached to the Senate version of the $900 billion stimulus bill proposed by Barack Obama.
Republican Crusade on Earmarks Undermined By Republicans. This week, conservative leaders went on a retreat to discuss an earmark reform plan led by Rep.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has more than $75 million worth of earmarks in the omnibus spending bill, offering a tempting target to Democrats looking to score
Speaking at the Heritage Foundation's bloggers' briefing, Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) says he and other "earmark warriors" won't shy away from criticizing Republicans for pork
Fox News Report Highlights House Republican Calls for Immediate Moratorium on Earmarks Fox News' Angle: "House Republicans Are Calling for a Complete Moratorium, Not Just Reductions
Senators Vote To Keep Funds For Pet Projects in Spending Bill
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